Lessons and Activities


Oxford Schools Chaplaincy provides tailored lessons on a wide range of themes. Our most popular lessons include:

Easter Lessons: Why did Jesus die? And why do Christians think this is good news?

Christmas Lessons: What does Christmas really mean to Christians today?

Year 6 Transition Lesson: What new opportunities and challenges face students as they move on to secondary school?

Reformation Lesson: What is the impact and relevance of the Reformation for Christians today?

Social Reformers: How have Christians put their faith into action?



Oxford Schools Chaplaincy provides support for Christian Unions by leading sessions, sourcing volunteers to support regular meetings, meeting with leaders to consider programmes, encouraging teachers to be involved, advising staff/students/CU leaders on different topics as they arise, raising prayer support particularly amongst local churches. 

Christian Unions (CUs) are designed as a place for young people to explore the Christian faith. The groups are usually held during a lunchtime and they are often led by students with support from OSC volunteers and teachers. OSC also offers training and support for all CU leaders, including the opportunity to meet other students who are running similar groups.


We deliver assemblies on a range of topics including Christmas and Easter. We make our assemblies engaging and thought provoking and  topics are discussed with the school to ensure they are tailored to your needs. 


We run Christian groups such as TRUE for Year 6 girls which is a 7 session course, meeting monthly. This group encourages Year 6 female students to think ahead to secondary school life and how being a Christian can make a difference to that experience. These groups have a deliberate inter-church and  inter-school focus. We encourage students to build friendships with other Christians, become more confident as Christians and be involved in Christian Unions.


OSC helps to set up prayer networks for schools. We support the work of BeSpace to facilitate prayer and reflective spaces in schools around Oxfordshire. You can find out more about their work here.