RESOURCES - TO USE IN GROUPS OR ON YOUR OWN Guidelines for using independent study resource (please read first!)Bible Study MaterialsPsalms 1-5. (5 studies)Advent. (6 studies)Philippians. Chapters 1-2. (8 studies)Daniel (6 studies)The Lord's PrayerParables (5 studies)BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TEENAGERS BY TEENAGERSJesus' 7 'I am' statementsI am the bread of lifeI am the light of the worldI am the gateI am the good shepherdI am the resurrection and the lifeI am the vineI am the way, the truth and the lifeJesus' miraclesThe Wedding at CanaThe Bleeding Woman and Jairus DaughterBlind BartimaeusFeeding of the Four ThousandHealing of the ten lepersJesus calms the storms